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Are your learned behaviours masking your natural strengths?

Are your learned behaviours masking your natural strengths? Image credit: Andreas Gucklhorn
Image credit: Andreas Gucklhorn

We are conditioned throughout our entire lives to learn and adopt certain types of behaviours. Whether this is conscious or subconscious it is programmed into our nature.

There are many manifestations of this, observing what others do that works, learning in a training session, receiving coaching. We learn what works and what doesn’t work and we start to adapt our own behaviour as a result.

Adapting when emigrating

For example, when I first moved from the UK to Canada I had to learn much of the business etiquette that is common to North America. On the surface around the world we all work in similar ways, but when you’re deep in the culture you realize there are differences and you need to adapt.

Another example I have seen in action many times, is when a new member joins a team. In meetings or group situations they will commonly watch their new leader and the other team members who they are interacting with. They learn through observation what the leader likes and doesn’t like. Details such as what they respond well to, or what behaviour the leader models. They will then often self-modify. This is adaptability, a highly-prized quality.

The problem with adaptability

The problem with adaptability is that often when we are adapting to our circumstances, or the behaviour of others, we lose or squash our own instincts. We can often force ourselves to work in a less than optimal way just because we are fitting in with others.

You may have noticed that when you just need to get something done, your natural instincts emerge and amazing things happen.

What are you like when you’re striving?

About four years ago I took the Kolbe A Index. It was a pretty cool test to do. The whole point of Kolbe is to understand the way you and others go about ‘doing’ naturally. It helps to understand each other on a deeper level and can assist with working together.

I knew what I was like but I found it fascinating to actually see this put into words.

The benefit of doing this assessment was that I realized what it was like to work with me, and how I can inspire people – or stress them out, just from the way I do things.

I thought that it would be fun to share my Kolbe result with you, including the interpretation of my default behaviours, both from my perspective and the perspective of those I interact with.

If you have done the Kolbe A Index I would love to hear from you in the comments!

My Kolbe Index Result

Abby Kolbe 7-3-8-2

“Your Kolbe result is so individualized, only 5% of the population is likely to have one just like it.”

…and the great thing is – everyone has a perfect score!

Gathering/sharing information

My red 7 score signifies the fact that when gathering/sharing information I’m a ‘factfinder’.

How this feels to me: When researching I have to understand all the details in order to explain to someone else. I need to know before I make a recommendation that what I am suggesting is actually do-able. I know that I often ask lots of detailed questions. If I am researching it can be stressful to me, because I have to read every article, watch every video, listen to opinions, I could go on and on and never stop!

How this can feel to others: If I’m questioning someone I know it can feel like a bit of a grilling, possibly stressful or frustrating for some. I also know that those with whom I am sharing information have confidence in the fact that it is accurate, and that I have the facts to back up any generalizations.


My blue score 3 illustrates that I tend to “adapt” when arranging and designing.

How this feels to me: Trying to follow rigid rituals or step-by-step procedures, and being overly scheduled is incredibly stressful to me. I much prefer juggling several things at once, dealing with tasks as they arise, and avoiding standard methods.

How this feels to others: I know that this can drive others crazy, especially someone at the opposite end of the scale. The way I am comfortable doing things is completely alien to those who like to design systems and be very organized.

Dealing with risk and uncertainty

My green score of 8 shows my instinct is to “improvise” when dealing with risk and uncertainty.

How this feels to me: I love innovating and looking at problems from different angles, trying to come up with new things to try. I enjoy experimenting to see what will happen. I leave things until the last minute often because this is when I do my best work. Experimentation is always good, and not something to be afraid of.

How this feels to others: For people who are more comfortable in sticking with what they already know works well and is tried and tested, again, my actions may induce stress. Especially with those close to me who tend to worry. I am often seen as a risk taker although it really doesn’t feel that way to me.


The yellow 2 represents my preferred approach related to implementing – “imagining”.

How this feels to me: I have a knack for seeing solutions and visualizing possibilities in my mind. As evidenced by my successful years working remotely I don’t have a strong need to be face-to-face for conversation. I will often feel comfortable making decisions without tangible evidence.

How this feels to others: My preference for explaining in spoken and written words can sometimes cause others to jump up and start visualizing on a board. My conceptual solutions capture the essence but don’t specifically explain how the task will be actually done right from the beginning. I understand that this can feel vague and be difficult to comprehend.

My Kolbe report also contains lots of other useful information about how I can get more done in less time. It advises how I can make the best of my natural strengths. It’s more than just an insight into the way I like to do things.

Check out my about page if you want to learn more about me.

Try the Kolbe A Index

If you haven’t done the Kolbe Index, but you want to, then I’m happy to provide the link below to the right place on the Kolbe website. This is an affiliate link, which means that I get a small percentage of any sales that are made when using the link below.

About the Kolbe A Index

The questionnaire is quick, easy, and fun to complete and is designed to assess you on a sliding scale in the four ‘Action Modes’ I have described above.

When complete you will receive your score and personalized report which goes into a lot of detail on the four areas, plus the explanations of your natural strengths.

I found it an easy and overwhelmingly positive experience. It helped me to understand why I do things the way I do, what happens when I am forced to work in different ways, and how the way I do things impact others.

Let me know your score in the comments!

Use the handy link below to take the Kolbe A Index for yourself!

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